There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture.
Open Source | |||||
Client: | The Delphi Community. | ||||
Tools used: | Delphi & C++ Builder. | ||||
Description: | I have been an active contributor to the Delphi community since the first version of Delphi. Notable contributions include the TGIFImage library which is now a part of Delphi and several minor improvements to the RTL and VCL libraries. Most recently I have contributed a resource editor which is scheduled to be included in a future version of Delphi. I have been a participant in the Delphi field tests since Delphi 1. For a description of my open source projects, please see my Delphi pages. |
MediaPortal Universal Plus and Play | |||||
Client: | The MediaPortal project. | ||||
Tools used: | C# & Delphi.NET. | ||||
Description: | I developed the first fully featured Universal Plug and Play server, control point and renderer for MediaPortal. | ||||
Web-shop | |||||
Client: | Dansk spa Design | ||||
Tools used: | PHP, JavaScript & PhotoShop. | ||||
Description: | Web-shop based on WordPress. A new version is currently being implemented. | ||||
Web-site | |||||
Client: | Aztech | ||||
Tools used: | PHP, JavaScript & PhotoShop. | ||||
Description: | Dynamic web site based on WordPress. | ||||
S-BOSS | |||||
Client: | JYSK, Matas, Pot & Pande, TP-musik, Køkkengrej, many others. | ||||
Tools used: | Delphi | ||||
Database: | Interbase, Oracle, MS-SQL, DB/2 | ||||
Description: | POS back office system. I was responsible for redesigning and subsequently rewriting the S-BOSS application and database tiers from a proprietary DCOM and Paradox based system to a N-tier (DataSnap/DCOM/TCP/IP) and SQL based framework. | ||||
Web-site | |||||
Client: | Delphia Yachts | ||||
Tools used: | PHP, JavaScript & PhotoShop. | ||||
Description: | Static web site. | ||||
FineFOOD importer | |||||
Client: | FineFood, Copenhagen Airport. | ||||
Tools used: | Delphi | ||||
Database: | None. | ||||
Description: | Credit card transaction converter. Import, validation and conversion of credit card transaction files from the ViKING POS system to the format used by PBS (Danish Payment Systems). | ||||
Ny-Lolland Direkte | |||||
Client: | Sparekassen Lolland, Lolland. | ||||
Tools used: | Delphi | ||||
Database: | Paradox | ||||
Description: | Loan processing system. Application for data entry and computer assisted loan application processing. | ||||
SOS | |||||
Client: | Health and Care Administration, Copenhagen, Århus. | ||||
Tools used: | Delphi | ||||
Database: | Paradox, InterBase, DB/2, MS-SQL. | ||||
Description: | The SOS Computer Aided Distress system controls an emergency call dispatch center (short description of the system). The system is implemented as an n-tier application, where the server tiers are duplicated onto multiple physical machines to ensure fault tolerance. Communication between the clients and the servers is done using tcp/ip and a “store and forward” protocol. Communication among the server side tiers is done using IPC and tcp/ip. The application, InterBase and MS-SQL servers are running Windows NT, the DB/2 database servers are running OS/2 and the clients are running Windows NT or Windows 95. |
SKAVU | |||||
Client: | Danish Insurance Information Service, Copenhagen. | ||||
Tools used: | Delphi | ||||
Database: | Paradox | ||||
Description: | SKAVU is used by appraisers to calculate the cost of repair when evaluating damaged cars. SKAVU is an acronym for SKAde VUrdering (Damage Evaluation). SKAVU is integrated into Danish Insurance Information Service’s AUTOTAKS application. Since AUTOTAKS is also written in Delphi, SKAVU has been implemented as a Delphi component. | ||||
MATRAterm | |||||
Client: | Telepunkt A/S, Søborg. | ||||
Tools used: | Delphi | ||||
Description: | PBX emulator and interface. MATRAterm is basically a very large state machine which is used to emulate and control a MATRA PBX. It is a part of a large phone billing system. | ||||
EDI Base | |||||
Client: | The Danish EDI-Council, Copenhagen. | ||||
Tools used: | Delphi | ||||
Database: | Paradox. | ||||
Description: | “EDI Base” is used by The Danish EDI-Council and it’s clients to enter, edit and search for EDIFACT descriptions. The application uses the briefcase model to allow multiple “off line” users to enter and edit data in the database. Each month, the users mail a diskette containing their edited data (deltas) to The Danish EDI-Council which then synchronizes the database and distributes a new database to the users. | ||||
FormMaker | |||||
Client: | NV-Data A/S, Værløse | ||||
Tools used: | C++ | ||||
Database: | Paradox | ||||
Description: | FormMaker is a Electronic Forms Application used to design and download forms to a printer. Sold as shrink wrap application by client. I was tasked with migrating an old 16 bit version to 32 bit Windows. |
TeleService | |||||
Client: | TelePartner A/S, Søborg | ||||
Tools used: | Delphi | ||||
Database: | InterBase, CDbase | ||||
Description: | Downsized an AS400 based application to a Windows based C/S system. The application was an yellow-pages database for use in a phone number information service. InterBase as well as in-house developed CD-ROM based databases were used. |
CD-Danmark | |||||
Client: | TelePartner A/S, Søborg | ||||
Tools used: | Delphi, C++ | ||||
Database: | Paradox, CDbase | ||||
Description: | CD-ROM based yellow pages database. Sold as shrink wrap application by client. |
CDbase | |||||
Client: | In-house. | ||||
Tools used: | Delphi, C++ | ||||
Database: | N/A. | ||||
Description: | Search engine optimized for CD-ROM based databases. The search engine itself were written in C++ and the high level interface library were written in Delphi. |
KitchenView | |||||
Client: | Jensens Bøfhus, Copenhagen, Århus, Odense. | ||||
Tools used: | Delphi | ||||
Database: | Paradox | ||||
Description: | POS system for restaurants and bars. | ||||
ACE for Windows | |||||
Client: | Sold as shrink wrap application. | ||||
Tools used: | Delphi | ||||
Database: | Paradox | ||||
Description: | Contact management application. Sold as shrink wrap application. |
Kommunal disketten | |||||
Client: | Sold as shrink wrap application. | ||||
Tools used: | Delphi, C++ | ||||
Database: | Paradox | ||||
Description: | Database of Public Offices for use in direct marketing. | ||||
eMail gateway | |||||
Client: | Danish Ministry of Education, Copenhagen. | ||||
Tools used: | GNU C++, VAX Macro | ||||
Description: | Gateway between VMSmail and Responsor Mail Transport (proprietary protocol). | ||||
TOOTH | |||||
Client: | School of Dentistry, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen. | ||||
Tools used: | GNU C++, DEC RALLY | ||||
Database: | DEC Rdb | ||||
Description: | Library system for management of students loan of dental instruments. | ||||
Portable TurboVision | |||||
Client: | School of Dentistry, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen. | ||||
Tools used: | GNU C++, SMG | ||||
Description: | Port of Borland’s TurboVision User Interface library to VMS and UNIX. The port was done by virtualizing the screen interface functions and writing drivers for SMG (VMS) and curses (UNIX). Also, all assembler routines were replaced by C++ routines. |
SAS Symbiont | |||||
Client: | Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Søborg. | ||||
Tools used: | DEC C, VAX Macro | ||||
Description: | Printer symbiont (daemon) used to interface SAS to the OpenVMS print services. | ||||
Lock Monitor | |||||
Client: | Responsor A/S for Bruhn Data A/S, Herlev. | ||||
Tools used: | Alpha AXP Macro, DEC C | ||||
Description: | Proactive cluster lock monitor for OpenVMS. The Lock Monitor were used to monitor cluster locks in real-time and automatically remove stalled locks before they caused dead locks. |
Backup Scheduler | |||||
Client: | The Prime Minister’s Office, Copenhagen. | ||||
Tools used: | CSH script, DEC C | ||||
Description: | Tape backup scheduler for an OSF/1 UNIX system. Used to automatically mount tapes, perform backup and rotate tapes according to a predefined schedule. |
WordPerfect fax gateway | |||||
Client: | The Danish Parliament, Copenhagen. | ||||
Tools used: | DCL, DEC Pascal | ||||
Description: | WordPerfect/VMS interface to the TEXCOM fax management system. | ||||
TEXCOM Postscript | |||||
Client: | Salcom AB, Stockholm. | ||||
Tools used: | DEC Pascal, GNU C++ | ||||
Description: | Postscript to Sixel conversion library. The library were used to provide Postscript capabilities to the TEXCOM fax management system. |
POS System | |||||
Client: | Paris i Holte, Holte. | ||||
Tools used: | DATAFLEX | ||||
Database: | DATAFLEX | ||||
Description: | POS system for use in a Haute Coture shop. Based on a Concurrent CP/M 86 multi user system and intelligent bar-code terminals. |
BMH Base | |||||
Client: | Bolig- Motor- og hjælpemiddeludvalget, Copenhagen. | ||||
Tools used: | DATAFLEX | ||||
Database: | DATAFLEX | ||||
Description: | Data entry application. Used to enter, process and analyze disability aid application forms. |
Adresse | |||||
Client: | In-house. | ||||
Tools used: | PolyPascal | ||||
Database: | PolyPascal B-Tree library | ||||
Description: | Contact management application for Concurrent CP/M 86. Sold as shrink wrap application. |
ClueBase | |||||
Client: | Bureau of Crime Investigation, Copenhagen. | ||||
Tools used: | PolyPascal | ||||
Database: | PolyPascal B-Tree library | ||||
Description: | Clue and suspect database. Used to cross reference clues and suspects. |
Library system | |||||
Client: | Pædagogisk Center, Copenhagen. | ||||
Tools used: | DATAFLEX, Xerox Ventura Publisher | ||||
Database: | DATAFLEX | ||||
Description: | Library database and Catalog generator. Library system (management of loans) and automatic generation of a library catalog. |